May 23, 2010

Manuele Atzeni and his "Beats For The Sleepwalker"!!!

<a href="">B4TS (Beats For The Sleepwalker) by Overknights</a>

Ladies and gentelmen, we ask you not to disturb the sleepwalker. The sleepwalker's synapsis pattern reveals calm and continuos brain function, this pattern should not be disturbed. Everyone knows how dangerous it can be to wake up a sleepwalker, and this could be a hint on what happens on track 5!!
Manuele Atzeni's second album comes straight out of his room (as you can see) appearing as the first release for hometown's newborn Woobo Records!! As we live in a material world, my friends, not all can be free. But luckily, sometimes we're able to give things a decent price and give you the possibility to give us some means and encouragement (at the least!) in order to continue to make music. So if you dig...., show some love and if you can't ....we love feedback too.. it's all good, it's all about the music!!
Manuele Atzeni "Beats For The Sleepwalker", released by Woobo Records on Apr 2010, buy it @:

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